martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011

Perras (or Bitches )

Perras is a Mexican drama film by Guillermo Ríos. The awesome film stars Claudia Zepeda, Karen de la Hoya, Scarlet Dergal and Steph Bumelcrownd young actresses not very known.
I'll recommend it to you, because I trust you're not a racist asshole who doesn't watch foreign movies. The movies is about 10 girls who are waiting in a classroom to be interrogated by a terrible thing that was done. While they're in there, the stories of some of them are told, and slowly tells you what the crime was. One of them, María del Mar Solís "La Matada" (the one who practically kills herself at school) is pregnant with the baby of the father of Sofía Ibar "La Manchada" (the mean girl), but tells no one. Still, Diana Fragoso "La Ciega" knows it and tells it to Sofía. Ana Ceci Flores "La Mustia" suggests to María del Mar to practice an abortion by herself. She ends up dying from loss of blood. This is the horrible event. Ana Ceci doesn't confess that she told María del Mar and the director ends up dismissing the girls saying it was María del Mar's entire fault.
Pictured: María del Mar on Diana's shoulder
My opinion: It's amazing. It keeps you interested the whole movie to know what the fuck did those girls do. Each of the stories is pictured differently and you get attached to the characters. The title might mislead to child porn, but it's just some girls (not bitches. Except maybe Sofía) telling you their story and how they might be affected by being expelled. How the most pure of them ends knocked up and then dead. Mexican movies might be turning very repetitive, you know, sex, drama, and swearing, but is reality any different? Check it out, I bet there's a English subtitled version somewhere.
*Note. Be careful while googling, the term might be misinterpreted as porn.
Rating: 5/5
Watch again? Indeed.
Recommended? To people who enjoy GOOD foreign movies.

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